Monday, April 19, 2010

One Happy Seal Year!

Usually a banner month for seal hunting, this April has seen a shortage in seals due to lack of sea ice during a record-warm Canadian winter, and, according to officials and sealers. The Fisheries Minister increased the allowable catch of harp seals this season to 330,000, up by 50,000 from previous seasons, defying a ban on seal products. However, most of Canada’s 6,000 sealers were unable to find buyers by the lack of available ice floes for the first time in 60 years and there has been an over-abundance of birthing pups. Do you think this is good news?

1 comment:

  1. This is the best news we've had all week! the DFO head and her cronies have, I hope, very red faces; they are disgusting, incompetent, and should be fired. Mother Nature took her course this year and that was bad enough; to then increase the quota shows immorality and stupidity.
